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Internal Audit Committee
11 July 2024 Share Tweet
State Internal Audit Committee, consisting of 7 members, was established under Public Finance Regulation (February 2017) to verify the reliability of Public Financial Statements, Public Bank Account and Public Funds operated in the name of the State along with establishing a system by which they can identify the risks (adverse effects to financial operations) in various operations of Public Offices and verify whether public properties and monies, accounting records of public properties and monies and the supporting documents of the accounting records are been maintained in accordance with the Public Finance Regulation.

The committee was formed by Minister of Finance on 28th February 2019. 

Committee members are given an allowance of MVR 1500 per sitting with a ceiling set as MVR 6000 per month.

Members of State Internal Audit Committee

  • Aminath Reema Rasheed


  • Aishath Abdhulla

    Vice Chairperson

  • UZ. Aminath Sana

    Committee member

  • Aminath Naaheen Ahmed

    Committee Member

  • Mohamed Shifau Ibrahim

    Committee Member

  • Aminah Shafeeq

    Committee Member

  • Mohmed Hamdhan Fahumy

    Committee Member