Project Type. | Procurement No | Procurement Approach |
Procurement Name
Project Sector | Agency | Awarded Party | Awarded Amount | Awarded Duration | Awarded Date | Summary |
Works | TES/2022/W-023 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Design and Build of 100 Housing Units at Lh.Hinnavaru | Housing | Ministry of National Planning, Housing & Infrastructure | Donbe’z Private Limited | MVR 83,807,840.00 | 365 Days | 19/06/2022 | Not Available |
Works | TES/2022/W-037 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Construction of staff Accommodation at R.Vandhoo Regional Waste Management Centre | Construction works | Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology | Nexsar Projects Pvt Ltd | MVR 12,826,463.10 | 300 Days | 19/06/2022 | Not Available |
Works | TES/2022/W-019 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Design and Build of 50 Housing Units at Ga.Villingili | Housing | Ministry of National Planning, Housing & Infrastructure | Donbez Pvt Ltd | MVR 48,164,794.10 | 270 Days | 09/05/2022 | Not Available |
Works | TES/2022/W-017 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Design and Build of 100 Housing Units at L. Gan | Housing | Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure | SJ Construction Pvt Ltd | MVR 84,397,200.00 | 365 Days | 12/05/2022 | Not Available |
Works | TES/2022/W-020 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Design and Build of 50 Housing Units at SH.Milandhoo | Housing | Ministry of National Planning, Housing & Infrastructure | Flexinc Private Limited | MVR 45,998,170.00 | 270 Days | 12/05/2022 | Not Available |
Works | TES/2022/W-022 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Design and Build of 40 Housing Units at N. Manadhoo | Construction works | Ministry of National Planning, Housing & Infrastructure | Donbez Pvt Ltd | MVR 40,315,837.96 | 270 Days | 31/07/2022 | Not Available |
Works | TES/2022/W-003-R01 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Construction of a Junior College at Ha.Dhidhdhoo | Construction works | Ministry of Higher Education | Wee Hour Investment Private Limited | MVR 30,049,786.05 | 300 Days | 07/04/2022 | Not Available |
Goods | TES/2022/G-004 | International Competitive Bidding (ICB) | Procurement of 13 Speedboats for Transferring Samples | Transportation Vehicles /Vessels | Ministry of Health | Gulf Craft Maldives Pvt Ltd | MVR 31,069,511.07 | 365 Days | 21/08/2022 | Not Available |
Works | TES/2022/W-014 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Construction of H.Hoarafushi Council New Office Building | Construction works | Secretariat of Ha.Hoarafushi Council | Fast Line Pvt Ltd | MVR 16,707,061.12 | 360 Days | 26/07/2023 | Not Available |
Non- Consulting Services | TES/2022/NC-002 | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | Addu Equatorial Hospital Cleaning Services | None | Addu Equatorial Hospital | Nooradheen Investment | MVR 307,400.00 | 2 Years | 27/03/2022 | Not Available |