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Project Type. Invitation Ref No Procurement No
Procurement Name
Project Sector Agency Procurement Approach Published Date Submission Date Status
Works (IUL)13-K/13/2020/292 TES/2020/W-095 Provision of Water Supply Facility in K. Himmafushi, Under Deferred payment Basis
Water and Sewerage Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure National Competitive Bidding (NCB) 15/11/2020 17/12/2020 13:00 Cancelled
Works (IUL)13-K/13/2020/272 TES/2020/W-025 Design and Build of Provision of Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities in 18 Islands
Design and Build of Provision of Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities in 18 Islands
Water and Sewerage Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure 19/02/2020 10/12/2020 13:00 Clarification
Goods (IUL)13-K/13/2020/243 TES/2020/G-012 Procurement of Design, Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Grid–tied Solar PV-Diesel Hybrid Power Generation Plants and Solar-Powered Ice Making Plants (Lot 1 & Lot 2)
Procurement of Design, Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Grid–tied Solar PV-Diesel Hybrid Power Generation Plants and Solar-Powered Ice Making Plants (Lot 1 & Lot 2)
Renewable Energy Ministry of Environment International Competitive Bidding (ICB) 13/10/2020 21/12/2020 11:00 Financial Evaluation
Works (IUL)13-K/13/2020/284 TES/2020/W097 Replacement of all existing Electrical wiring at Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Studies
Replacement of all existing Electrical wiring at Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Studies
Education Maldives National University National Competitive Bidding (NCB) 02/12/2020 23/12/2020 13:00 Re-Tender
Works (IUL)13-K/13/2020/282 TES/2020/W-066-R01 Design and Build of Proposed School -3 in Hulhumale’ Phase II, under EPC Turnkey Basis- Contractor Finance- RETENDER
Education Ministry of Education 05/12/2020 23/12/2020 11:00 New Tender
Works (IUL)13-K/13/2020/282 TES/2020/W-065-R01 Design and Build of Proposed School -2 in Hulhumale’ Phase II, under EPC Turnkey Basis- Contractor Finance- RETENDER
Education Ministry of Education 05/12/2020 23/12/2020 11:00 New Tender
Works (IUL)13-K/13/2020/218 TES/2020/W-057 Clean up of accumulated waste in HDh.Kulhudhuffushi
Clean up of accumulated waste in HDh.Kulhudhuffushi
Waste Ministry of Environment 20/09/2020 NA Cancelled
Non- Consulting Services (IUL)13-K/13/2020/265 TES/2020/NC-001 Insurance of Vessels and Vehicles at Maldives National Defence Force
None Ministry of Defence 24/09/2020 30/11/2020 13:00 Clarification
Works (IUL)13-K/13/2020/228 TES/2020/W-071 Construction of N. Velidhoo Health Center Extension 2 Storey Building, under Contractor Finance
Construction of N. Velidhoo Health Center Extension 2 Storey Building, under Contractor Finance
Health Ministry of Health 23/09/2020 09/11/2020 11:00 Re-Tender
Non- Consulting Services (IUL)13-K/13/2020/270 TES/2020/NC-002 Office Space Renting for Maldives Immigration (13,000 sqf- 14,000 sqf)
None Maldives Immigration 15/11/2020 26/11/2020 10:00 Re-Tender