Project Type. | Invitation Ref No | Procurement No |
Procurement Name
Project Sector | Agency | Procurement Approach | Published Date | Submission Date | Status |
Goods | (IUL)13-K/13/2020/40 | TES/2020/G-004 |
Development of Synthetic Track in Gn Fuvahmulah
Sports | Ministry of Youth ,Sports and Community Empowerment | National Competitive Bidding (NCB) | 12/02/2020 | 16/03/2020 11:00 | Cancelled |
Works | (IUL)13-K/13/2020/26 | TES/2020/W-007 |
Procurement of Design and Construction works of the infrastructure, road and landing Platform for Waste Transfer Facility at Gdh.Vaadhoo
Construction works | Ministry of Environment | 05/02/2020 | 02/03/2020 11:00 | Bid Opening | |
Goods | (IUL)13-K/13/2020/25 | TES/2019/G-31-R01 |
Supply and Installation of Turf in 22 Islands Football Grounds
Sports | Ministry of Youth,Sports and Community Empowerment | International Competitive Bidding (ICB) | 30/01/2020 | 27/02/2020 11:00 | Cancelled |
Goods | (IUL)13-K/13/2020/63 | TES/2020/G-003-R01 |
Printing of Ballot Papers for LCE2020 and WDCE 2020
Printing of Ballot Papers for LCE2020 and WDCE 2020
None | Elections Commission | 24/02/2020 | 24/02/2020 08:32 | New Tender | |
Goods | (IUL)13-K/13/2020/36 | TES/2020/G-003 |
Printing of Ballot Papers for LCE2020 and WDCE 2020
Printing of Ballot Papers for LCE2020 and WDCE 2020
None | Elections Commission | 10/02/2020 | 24/02/2020 11:00 | New Tender | |
Works | (IUL)13-K/13/2019/338 | TES/2019/W-157 |
TES2019W157 - Landscape Development of 264 Flat Area in S.Hithadhoo
TES2019W157 - Landscape Development of 264 Flat Area in S.Hithadhoo
Housing | Ministry of Housing and Urban Development | 01/12/2019 | 29/12/2019 11:00 | Cancelled | |
Goods | (IUL)13-K/13/2020/11 | TES/2020/G-001 |
TES/2020/G001 - Supply of Basic Life Support 15 Ambulance.
TES/2020/G001 - Supply of Basic Life Support 15 Ambulance.
Transportation Vehicles /Vessels | Ministry of Health | 19/01/2020 | 10/02/2020 10:00 | Evaluation | |
Goods | (IUL)13-K/13/2020/008 | TES/2019/G036-R01 |
TES/2019/G036-R01 | Supply and Delivery of Brand-New Cars, Staff Vans and Pickup Trucks
TES/2019/G036-R01 | Supply and Delivery of Brand-New Cars, Staff Vans and Pickup Trucks
Transportation Vehicles /Vessels | Ministry of Health | 20/01/2020 | 04/02/2020 13:00 | Evaluation | |
Works | (IUL)13-K/13/2019/358 | TES2019-W167 |
TES2019-W167 | Development of Indoor Badminton Court in Fuvahmulah City
TES2019-W167 | Development of Indoor Badminton Court in Fuvahmulah City
Sports | Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment | 23/12/2019 | 02/02/2020 11:00 | Cancelled | |
Goods | (IUL)13-K/13/2020/1 | TES/2019/G-035-R01 |
TES2019G035R01 - Supply and Installation of witness and Victim Protection System
TES2019G035R01 - Supply and Installation of witness and Victim Protection System
None | Department of Judicial Administration | 08/01/2020 | 13/02/2020 10:00 | New Tender |