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Project Type. Invitation Ref No Procurement No
Procurement Name
Project Sector Agency Procurement Approach Published Date Submission Date Status
- (IUL)13-K/13/2018/72 Labour Contractors for Construction of Water Network Facilities in F.Nilandhoo
- 05/04/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-K1/13/2018/66 TES/2018/W-022- Provision of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in 10 Islands- Package 1
- 03/04/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-E/13/2018/69 Hiring a Law Firm
- 01/04/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-K/13/2018/67 TES/2018/G-07 Components for the implementation of active directory and exchange server design under microsoft licensing project
- 25/03/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-K/13/2018/43 TES2018W-008 Construction of Dh Atoll Education Center 2 Storey Building (Remaining Works)
- 20/03/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-K/13/2018/52 Purchase of Fire Lorry and other operational Equipment to Gdh. Maavarulu Airport.- retender
- 20/03/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-K/13/2018/53 Purchase of Fire Lorry and other operational Equipment to Sh funadhoo Airport.- retender
- 20/03/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-K/13/2018/54 Purchase of Fire Lorry and other operational Equipment to Hdh kulhudhufushi Airport.- retender
- 20/03/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-K/13/2018/73 TES/2017/C-04-R01- the consultancy services for configuration and implementation SAP Business Objects (BOBJ) to further strengthen PAS reporting function
- 15/03/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published
- (IUL)13-K/13/2018/44 Catering services for MNDF staff at Hdh.Hanimaadhoo
- 12/03/2018 10/12/2018 17:54 published