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Awarded Projects
Project Type. Procurement No Procurement Approach
Procurement Name
Project Sector Agency Awarded Party Awarded Amount Awarded Duration Awarded Date Summary
Works TES2023W-029 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Completion of Sh.Feydhoo School Multipurpose Hall and 08 Classrooms Block Construction works Ministry of Education Eco Investment Maldives Pvt Ltd MVR 20,066,626 400 Days 06/07/2023 Not Available
Works TES/2023/W-031 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Construction of K.Guraidhoo Health Center Construction works Ministry of Health Altec Maldives Pvt Ltd MVR 75,360,422 365 Days 11/07/2023 Not Available
Works TES/2022/W-071 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Construction of Aa.Thoddoo Health Center Construction works Ministry of Health Sierra Construction Ltd in JV with Build Up International Pvt Ltd MVR 83,393,386 18 Months 11/07/2023 Not Available
Goods TES/2022/G-013-R01 International Competitive Bidding (ICB) Supply and delivery of Island Waste management Equipment for Islands of Zone 2 Waste Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology Lucky Global Projects Pvt Ltd USD 837,500 120 Days 31/08/2023 Not Available
Works TES2021W-065-Q01 Direct Selection Dh. Maaeboodhoo School Multi purpose hall Finishing Education Ministry of Education Swift Engineering Pvt Ltd MVR 10,946,247 365 Days 03/01/2023 Not Available
Works TES/2021/W-139-Q01 Direct Selection Construction of 04 Classroom and Multi-Purpose Hall at N.Landhoo School Education Ministry of Education Swift Engineering Pvt Ltd MVR 20,667,692 365 Days 04/01/2023 View Download
Works TES/2021/W-067-Q01 Direct Selection Construction L.Kunahandhoo School04 Classrooms, Library and Laboratory Education Ministry of Education North Coast Contractors Pvt Ltd MVR 10,591,730 365 Days 09/10/2022 View Download
Works TES/2021/W-066-Q01 Direct Selection Completion of Multipurpose Gdh.Atoll School (Gahdhoo School) hall Education Ministry of Education Afami Maldives Pvt Ltd MVR 7,368,969 300 days 01/03/2022 Not Available
Works TES.2021/W-103-R01 Restricted Tendering Continuation Works at Polco Tower A, B and C Housing Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Amin Construction Pvt Ltd MVR 274,554,916 240 Days 20/12/2021 Not Available
Works TES/2021/W-187-Q01 Restricted Tendering Construction of 08 Classrooms at Sh.Goidhoo School Education Ministry of Education Afami Maldives Pvt Ltd MVR 12,291,052 365 Days 22/11/2022 Not Available