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Statistical Releases
02 February 2024 Share Tweet

Weekly Fiscal Developments

Provides a set of tables on the summary of government finances, detailed expenditure and revenue out-turns, and government borrowing for the reporting week. The WFD is released on every Tuesday.


Monthly Fiscal Developments

Provides a set of tables on the summary of government finances, detailed expenditure and revenue outturns for the reporting month.


Green Fund Report

Monthly summary of Green Tax receipts and expenditures to and from the Maldives Green Fund.


Government Finance Statistics

Government finance statistics (GFS) covers all financial activities of the government as per GFSM 1998 format.


Consolidated Financial Statements

Annual financial statements for the Government of Maldives (GoM). The financial statements provide the records of the GoM financial performance and financial position.


COVID-19 Spending Report (Discontinued)

Provides COVID-19 spending details by the government. The report provides a set of tables detailing spending by Business Areas and the 2 relevant trust funds for the reporting quarter.


Monthly Economic Indicators (Discontinued)

Provides a summary table of key economic indicators monitored and analysed by the MOF.


Cashflow Reports (Discontinued)

Provides monthly cash forecasts for each month.


SOE Financial Statements (Discontinued)

Provides financial statements of SOEs


External Grants

Maldives receives grants from bilateral and multilateral development partners in the form of cash, in-kind and technical assistance. Ministry of Finance maintains records of grant commitments by donors engaged with the ministry.
