The Commercial Law Development Program: Government Procurement Best Practices
04 August 2019 Share Tweet

Minister of Finance Hon. Ibrahim Ameer Inaugurated the Commercial Law Development Program: Government Procurement Best Practices seminar that is being held from 4th to 5th August 2019 at Hotel Jen.

In his opening remarks he stated that he firmly believes that we have to be accountable for what is spent from our budget and that ensuring the proper management of public resources is of utmost importance in this regard. He further stated that the eradication of corruption, and dismantling the procedures and institutional framework that abet corruption is of the utmost importance to the government.

Minister Ameer stated that seminars like this would help in transforming our procurement framework towards a modern, fair, and efficient system and that the different country experiences shared throughout the seminar can bring about impactful outcomes. He also stated that by working together and leveraging on the expertise and support of experts, we can achieve our vision for a more robust and efficient procurement system in the Maldives. 

During the seminar, information will be shared on areas such as Overview of UNCITRAL Model Law on Procurement, South Africa’s Procurement Rules, Tendering Process in U.S. Procurement, The Philippines Procurement Reform Process. 

Minister Ameer also thanked the Commercial Law Development Program of the United States Department of Commerce for being the hosts and conducting this program on Government Procurement.