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  2. Procurement Plan 2024
Procurement Plan 2024

Procurement Plan provides information on the Good, Works, Consultancy Services and Non-Consultancy Services which a government procuring entity is planning to procure throughout the year. This plan comprises of procuring entity and description of procurement along with the planned dates to carry-out the procurement.

Disclaimer: All information(s) displayed on the procurement plans are as received from respective government procuring entities by 31st January 2024.

Category Agency Description Method
Invitation for Bids
Bid Opening
Bid Evaluation Report
Contract Award
Request for Expression of Interest
Request for Proposal Issue
Technical Evaluation
Financial Proposal Opening
Combine Evaluation
Approval for Contract Award
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy 8 stakeholder consultation workshops in different atolls with travel Shopping 01 Mar 2024 15 Mar 2024 NA 30 Mar 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy NBSAP inception workshop and validation workshop Shopping 01 Mar 2024 15 Mar 2024 NA 30 Mar 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Whale sharks guideline stakeholder workshop Shopping 01 Oct 2024 10 Oct 2024 NA 15 Oct 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Biodiversity day event Shopping 01 Mar 2024 10 Mar 2024 NA 15 Mar 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Launching event for red list - cetaceans Shopping 01 Jun 2024 10 Jun 2024 NA 15 Jun 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Launching event for red list - mangroves Shopping 01 Jun 2024 10 Jun 2024 NA 15 Jun 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy National report for IOSEA Marine Turtles MOU - validation workshop Shopping 01 Feb 2024 10 Feb 2024 NA 15 Feb 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Key biodiversity areas - stakeholder workshop Shopping 01 May 2024 10 May 2024 NA 15 May 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy National workshops and meetings for the project "Review and Update of the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Maldives" Shopping 29 Feb 2024 03 Mar 2024 NA 04 Mar 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Works Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy National workshops, trainings and meetings under the project "Institutional strengthening and capacity building for the sound management of chemicals and wastes in the Maldives" Shopping 01 Jul 2024 02 Jul 2024 NA 04 Jul 2024 NA NA NA NA NA NA