Asian Development Bank
07 August 2020 Share Tweet

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), established in 1966, is a multilateral development finance institution with 67 member countries. Its mission is to help member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for their people. Maldives joined ADB in 1978 and has been receiving assistance from the ADB through their Asian Development Fund (ADF). At present, Maldives is entitled to grants and concessional funding through ADF and external financing through financial partners of ADB. ADB funding is based on projects that align with the overall mission of the ADB as well as the development goals of the recipient country. These are determined through discussions with the government. 

Maldives is also a member of South Asia Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) program of ADB. It is an initiative to strengthen cross-border trade, improve energy security, develop economic corridors, and improve regional cooperation. 

The first loan from ADB was in 1981 for the Inter island transport project. Since then, ADB has been assisting Maldives with loans, grants, and technical assistance in areas such as transport, environment, port development, education, health, energy, and private sector development .

ADB in the Maldives

2020COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support ProgramUSD25,000,000
2019South Asia Subregional Economic Cooporation National Single Window ProjectUSD5,000,000
2012Micro, Small and Medium -sized Enterprise development projectSDR1,081,562
2010Economic Recovery ProgramSDR21,912,000
2009Private Sector Development ProjectSDR4,053,751
2007Domestic Maritime Transport ProjectSDR3,261,588
2005Regional Development Project Phase IISDR506,963
2005Tsunami Emergency Assistance ProjectSDR1,188,000
2002Information Technology DevelopmentSDR4,266,368
2002Outer Islands ElectrificationSDR3,141,840
1999Regional Development ProjectSDR4,958,001
1999Postsecondary Education Development ProjectSDR4,561,271
1998Third Power Systems Development ProjectSDR4,951,277
1993Second Male’ Port ProjectSDR5,458,108
1992Second Power Systems Development ProjectSDR6,376,111
1989Male’ Ports Project Phase ISDR4,923,238
1987Male’ Power ProjectSDR4,699,596
1981Inter-Island Transport ProjectUSD846,737

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Governor for the Maldives at the ADB: Mr. Ibrahim Ameer

Alternative Governor for the Maldives at the ADB: Ms. Maryam Abdul Nasir